Card Captor is an anime about a young girl, Sakura Kinomoto, who has opened an enchant book that had kept enchant powerful creatures inside. Once she had opened it, the creatures were realesed and a small, powerful, Cerberus came out of the book. Cerberus is the protecter of the book and to make sure the book's always closed and the cards in. He blames Sakura for the release but soon realizes she was a gardien that he was waiting for for thousands of years. He trains her and she becomes a card capturer.
Sakura's best friend, Tomoyo Daidouji, found out about Cerburus and Sakura being a Cardcapter when she gets attacked by both the Voice and Song cards. She then helps Sakura and always does her outfits, silly or not, she insists. Sakura doesn't want to upset her so she wears them and gets to battle.
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