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Thursday, December 16, 2010


Rosette has trouble getting her brother back. He has taken horns, from a talking bird (Aion), that belonged to Chrono, but they were ripped off his head by Aion. Now Joshua is being controled by them and does not remember what his sister, Rosette, looks like. He is an Apostle of hope, an angel with magical powers, and was sick when he was just a boy. But as Joshua grew up with the horns in his head, he does not realize the terrible things he has done to the earth. It is all caused by Aions lies and Joshuas servant, Florette/Fiore Harvenheit, a young girl who is a jewel sommoner like her sister:

Satella Harvenheit  who has been searching for her for years. Before Aion had taken her and drained her blood, but her powers remained, and kept her as a slave. Now she cares for Joshua and also serves for Aion. Rosette is determined to get the earth safe, even knowing her life is going to end soon enough.

Monday, December 13, 2010

I have chosen this video because it really interests me. Also i wanted people to know how it begins. It may look kind of scary it the beginning but it's very interresting to watch, especally if teens are the ones watching it. I have never seen it but I want to. People are lucky to be able to watch it whenever you want, I never have time to finish it and I get mad because of that. Naruto really interests me and I wish I owned it for myself to watch and for others who desire it aswell. Hope you injoy this clip, I know I would if I got the chance. Seems very interesting.

Secondary characters

Zashiki-warashi is a young spirit who lives on a mountain with her pure spirited energies. She used to be alone and whenever she is in danger or cries of joy, her Tengu Guardians come recue her. She first sees Watanuki when his sight of spirits becomes known among other spirits. She gets a crush on him when she accidentally steals Dōmeki's soul while attempting to get a good Obon gift for him. He soon SEES her when he tries to give her a White Day gift, and he hs to save her from Jorougumo that captures her after a failed attempt to recover Watanuki's eye. She is determined to keep Watanuki alive.

Friday, December 10, 2010

My opinion on xxxholic

My opinion is that I think it's a really good comic stip that people should give a thought to. There could be people with the ability to see what others can't. We should accept them and maybe they won't feel so bad about themselves and will know that others can know their pain even if they don't have the same problems. Maybe they have their own problems and might be able to help if they are aloud too. I think it's a really good anime and I wish I could be apart of it.

Mokona Modoki, Haruka Dōmeki

The black Mokona Modoki, whose real name is Larg, belonged to Yuko as a friend and a drinking buddy. He loves to be around Watanuki and loves to play with Maru and Moro. He has one earring on his left ear that seals powers and Sakuras' memories of  prince Syaoran  and of Watanukis' past memories.

Haruka Dōmeki is the grandfather of Shizuka Dōmeki and looks  exactly like him, eccept that he has a more cheerful attitude and always smokes. He has the ability to destroy evil spirits and can go into dreams, always appearring in Watanukis' dreams as a young teenager, giving him advice and helping him on his missions, but only in his dreams. He soon helps Watanuki remember his past slowly but trust worthy.

Ame-warashi, Kudakitsune and Maru & Moro

Ame-warashi is a spririt of nature. She really doesn't like humans because of the way they treat nature, poorly and they always litter. She use to own Kudakitsune, a pipe fox, but gave it to Yuko for grating her wish for nature. Yuko, however, gives it to Watanuki to go on his missions. Ame does not like Watanuki, but  appreciates Watanuki for helping her on one of his missions.
Kudakitsune, soon named Mugetsum, is a pipe fox that turns into a tube fox spirit. He used to belong Ame-warashi but was given to Watanuki as a 'thank you' gift. He soon becomes attached to Watanuki and helps him on dangerous missions. He usually looks like a snake with a fox-like head, but it can transform into a nine tailed fox to show it's true power, but to reveal it, there must be a lot of spiritual energy.

Maru(long blue hair) & Moro(short pink hair) are two young girls Yuko had created to help at her shop and keep company, however thay can never leave the shop because thay have no souls. The girls are the source of power to keeping the shop at stand. They must sleep long hours to re-bost their powers. Before Yuko dies, she gives the last of her powers to make them return to the shop. Watanuki is now the master of the shop and must take the twins in as his assistants to keep the shop at stand for the girls. As Watanuki works with them, they all create a tight bond and Watanuki learns more about them each day.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kohane Tsuyuri

Kohane Tsuyuri is a young girl with an un-happy life. She is a child prodigy, a medium and a exorcist. She has helped her mother with her fathers affair life and now her mother is a bit happy to know her daughter isn't a monster, though it hurts Kohane that her own mother thought she was evil­. Kohane is determined to get rid of her powers and to get  happiness in her life, so she goes to Yuko for help, in exchange for her exorcism ability, (because Yuko claims it belonged to her though it arreganaly came from princess Sakuras' feather.) However, Kohane can't get rid of her sight and is un-happy for that. But when she meets Watanuki, a boy who can also see spirits, she becomes friends with him and soon after Yuko dies, Kohane becomes a student at Tsuji Academy and visits Watanuki often in the shop. Though she keeps hidden her feelings and affection from him until she is ready and not afraid.
After six years had passed, she studies folklore at the same university as Domeki's and she still wants to be with Watanuki.

Himawari Kunogi and Shizuka Dōmeki

Shizuka Dōmeki is a school mate of Kimihiro Watanuki's and hates his energy. Shizuka is a priest in trainning for his past away grandfather, and is good at everything. He is also quiet and only talks if he is asking for Watanukis food or to give tips on games. Shizuka has also the 'gift' to see sprits and soon he works at Yukos' shop along side of Watanuki, also helping him in fights against evil spirits after their blood. Shizuka soon becomes Watanukis' assistant once Yuko dies, but he soon gets his own job as a teacher. However, he continues to visit Watanuki in order of their new found friendship, also to keep an eye on hiim ato make sure he is still safe and not being haunted anylonger.
Himawari is a schoolmate and crush of Watanuki. She is a cheerful young girl and she is a friend to Watanuki and Shizuka, however she knows Watanuki likes her but she cannot return the feelings because she has a prior engagement and must leave both Shizuka and Watanuki, leaving Watanuki heart broken and upset of this. In the beggining, Watanuki believes she is the one for him and is determined to make her his. However Yuko knows opposite and, though she knows he will never listen, she tries telling him that. What no one had known was that she had her own abilities. Though they are not good and she wishes that she never was born with this evil 'gift'. She was born with a curse to bring misery to humans and Watanuki. Though she doesn't want to, she can't help to use her abilities. She doesn't want to hurt anyone anymore and decides to leave, not knowing where she is headed.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Kaho Mizuki

Kaho Mizuki is a shrine maiden and is the daughter of Tsukimine Shrine. She appears is a season as a teacher, watching over  Sakura and the rest of the gang. She has a weapon of her own and could only use it for one last time when Sakura was in real danger. When Sakura was safe and Kaho knew she had done what she neede to do, Kaho had excused herself from Sakura, and the rest, to return to her formal life.

My opinion on cardcapter

In my opinion on Cardcapter is that it is full of wonderful romance, complications and friendships. It is a wonderful anime and people should really read or watch it, they might actually get interested in it and how they're friendship could turn into wonderful romance.(Depending on the person of course)

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Characters

Yuki Ichihara is a witch and loves to take mortal wishes for power. Every time a mortal makes a wish, she gets stronger and  she loves being stronger. She used to work with Clow Reed and, as she was dying, he stopped time and waited 'till she awoke. When that happened, Yuko was greatful and pleased that he cared so much.
This is all the characters in one picture, even the two most famous Royalty: Prince Tsubasa (Syaoran)(sitting in the chair) and Princess Sakura (holding the candle)
This is Watanuki Kimihiro, a young high school student with the ability to see and talk to spirits. He doesn't want this ability and when he meets Yuko, he works for her for her assistence and for his wish to not have his curse. He figths against some of the spirits he sees and Yuko helps him at his side.

Random anime/ mangas: xxxHolic characters

Kimihiro Watanuki is a high school student that sees the un-dead. He doesn't want it but he knows it's a curse he can't get rid of unless he helps them. He wants help and finds a young woman, named Yūko Ichihara, who runs  a shop that deals in granting wishes in exchange for something of equal value to the wish, sometimes it is their souls. To Kimihiros' shock, she is a witch and will help him, in exchange for him working for her to pay off her services. His job is nothing he ever expected it to be. That's for sure.

Yūko helps and fights beside Kimihiro to regain peace to the planet and soon becomes great friends with him. Then she is to leave sooner than they both expected. Kimihiro doesn't want her to go but knows it's for the best.